Thursday 3 November 2011

Short film planning Synopsis 3

Title: 'Deception'- I chose this title because it is about a online pedophile that chooses to be a younger male someone that is not him to lure young girls into his evil trap however with a plot twist a couple of boys are onto this and want to find these men so make a fake girl account so it is deceiving in both senses. 

A online pedophile called Barry is again on a hunt on Facebook for new victims, he comes across a 'girl' called Vanessa. He adds her as a friend and talks to her trying to befriend her however this is not a girl but instead two teenage males. After exchanging numbers and talking for a while the boys Chris and Jamie decide to send a text to meet up and Barry accepts. When the meeting is arranged to Barry's shock he has been caught out as the meeting place in a park are also were the boys are, the boys ring the number and see Barry pick up and knew he made a fake account to lure young victims in and Barry now faces prison.

During the thinking process of this synopsis we knew it would not work because of many reasons. There was already a film like this called Catfish and it doesn't tackle the controversial issue head on as the boys are not in danger and get away with it. however this could be changed around to produce a synopsis that is ideal for our short film and target audience.  

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