Wednesday 2 November 2011

Short film planning Synopsis 2

Title: 'You me and the baby' I chose this title because it is about a teenage girl who had a wild night and slept with a boy the same age as her without their knowledge of contraception as of there age she falls pregnant and the boy being so young and scared runs away she is left alone.

Katie Spencer is a average 15 year old school girl, one day her and her friends were discussing sex and if it has or Hasn't happened yet. Katie being a virgin and under peer pressure as all her mates have decides to get drunk that night. There has been a boy she liked in her school for a while called Billy Trooper, she decides to text him asking if they wanted to have sex, Billy being a typical boy decides to do the deed however things do not go accordingly as weeks progress she has the fear she might be pregnant however later to her knowledge it becomes reality. She tells Billy however he cant hack the news and decides to leave and run away she is left alone to deal with a mistake which basically changes her whole life plans.

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