Saturday 19 November 2011

Location reccies

Park location number 1 : Latymer road children's park right beside the station, this is a great location as one its a children's park so for health and safety reasons it was suitable as accidents cant occur while filming for it was designed for kids of a young age. In terms of Mise on scene it suits our film as Vanessa (Julie) is a young school girl so it highlights her age and innocence. The park is quite small however is quite in the day so filming could not be interrupted. Furthermore it had a mysterious pathway leading to it which adds dramatic irony to the scene so this possibility looks.

Possible Park Location number 2 : Brunel estate park was another location we considered to put in our park scene as it is a very urban area, it creates a sense of fear and drama however as it is located on the main road and many cars and pedestrians walk by it might encounter problems while filming so for health and safety reason it was not the best location but the Mise on scene was great.

Possible park location 3: Boston mannor park this is situated in Boston mannor, as it is empty it was good however the there was no available children playground and a lake was present for the same reasons as Brunel estate it had a great Mise on scene however health and safety and practicality did not suit our filming environments as Barry and Vanessa both live near central London so it was out of both their ways.

Gunnersbury Catholic School- This is where the school scene will be shot, it is very practical as she is surrounded by her friends and gives the sense of a school environment which we need to show and reflect she is still a innocent school girl talking about ordinary things, there was no permission required to film on school grounds and the predator was not needed in this scene so it was convenient as it was a ordinary school day.

Gunnersbury Catholic School- the student Btec room was filmed for the second victim as in her free she could of been on Facebook and got the add so it was free suitable for our scene with no problems with filming as students were in lessons so it was suitable for the last scene.

Northfeilds area- would be used for the walk to and from school as this is her normal journey the filming didnt really get complicated and go out of our way.

Edgware road- where the victim lives and will be filmed in her room.

Latymer road- is were the predator lives. this will be filmed in his home next to the station.

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