Tuesday 22 November 2011

Characters Mise en scene

Main character - Julie Sernat also known as Vanessa Sparks is the main actor, she is the victim in the film. She suits the role perfectly as she is looks much younger than her actual age. She is petite and looks very innocent, she was perfect for the role because she makes it look aimed at our target audience however she is old enough to not cause any complaints or ethical issues. No make up should be worn as she is an innocent school girl to suit the Mise on scene furthermore she will be mostly in her school uniform as it is intended to educate young girls in schools so her costume will be a Gunnersbury catholic school uniform this also demonstrates we understood the Mise on scene as our character is very suited to play that role.

  • As you can see Julie is to the left she fits perfectly to the mise on scene of our intended main character very innocent and looks the age of our target audience.

Our second main character is Anthony Price the social network predator, he is the villain in the film however he is a well respected man. Anthony was perfect for this role as he is much older and cause he didn't have to act like a older man or dress like one because this was natural to him so it looked very authentic and the Mise on scene was again on point. Anthony wears glasses to work however he wore them constantly in the film to add to his scary character and made him seem the age we wanted. Again the Mise on scene and target brief was met with this character.

  • As seen to the left this is Anthony he is dressed very smart here however we dulled him down for the short film. Again he perfectly suits the role given.

  • This is them on normal days and for our short film there Mise on scene can be seen below on how each character looked to suit the role :

  • Anthony was wearing his work glasses to look more older, mysterious.

  • This is a scene wear they are both seen in there full on costumes.

Extra characters
Kiera keane plays the second victim and is also Vanessa's mate alongside Rachael they are only seen briefly and again in school uniform so suit the Mise on scene of the characters they are meant to play.

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