Friday 4 November 2011

Final Synopsis

Title: 'Deception'

Barry is a 40 year old male that has created a fake alternative life that he chooses to pursue. A fake Facebook of a younger more attractive male is what he has created to lure young girls as he is a pedophile. He comes across a Facebook who belongs to a girl called Vanessa. Vanessa being young and innocent teenage 14 year old girl accepts this add. They both Facebook each other during the on coming week, they finally exchange numbers and decide to meet. She never knew it was a deception and embarked on a mission to meet him in a local park. He notices its the girl he seen on Facebook and kidnaps and rapes her. Then he starts the cycle again with another victim. 

This was perfect because we could utilize the key conventions of short films Incorporated into our production as we have a circular narrative it sticks to the educational purpose we are trying to achieve and is suited for our target audience.

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