Tuesday 8 November 2011

Final draft of the script

Introduction- Barry is sitting in his room on his laptop browsing through Facebook to find a victim to pursue. the room is messy and dull lighting is used as he is unemployed and spends most of his time on the internet.

Barry voice over: 'Finding girls is always so easy. There just so flattered by my attention. I like them young innocent and helpless.'

A close up of Barry's old eyes to show the evil intentions. He finds Vanessa on Facebook and adds her as a friend.

Barry voice over: 'These social networking sites just make it so easy for people like me.'

Introduction- Vanessa is on the computer in her bedroom when she gets a request that she will accept.

Barry voice over: 'They only know a bit about me but they do not hesitate to accept, the boy i pretend to be gets me so many new victims.'

Vanessa looks through his pictures slightly impressed by what she sees. Not even thinking of the dangers.

Barry voice over: 'The process of fooling these little girls only takes me a few months.

Day- Vanessa is on her way to school with a friend. Normal school day then it proceeds to lunch time where she is sitting on a bench on her phone texting Barry.

Her friend Rachael and kiera come sit next to her.
Rachael : ' Hey Vanessa did you hear what happened on Saturday ?  oh gosh your always on your phone, ok then bye.'

Afternoon- Vanessa goes to the park to meet Barry

Barry voice over:  ' I love watching them sit there waiting for me

Barry approaches closer and close cut Vanessa goes missing.

Night: Barry back at home on his computer looking for new victims

Barry voice over: ' My first victim was so naive and gullible i hope my next one is just the same.'

Police statement in the background
The end

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