Monday 17 October 2011

Research and planning into target audience

As a decision Julie and I have decided to make a short film that has a educational purpose. This purpose would be to educate people in high schools about controversial issues in today's society. As the short film would be seen in schools across the United Kingdom our initial target audience for the short film would be 14-22 year old including people in higher education. So baring this in mind the film poster should be aimed to attract people of this age so a teenage target audience however a total different audience for the magazine film review. So our film magazine review is independent from our film poster and short film.
Our target audience for a magazine review would be the parents of these teenagers so they can have an influence on the safety that our film is trying to focus on and by attracting two different target audiences; we are broadening our target audience. As our film is not for self promotion and educational purposes widening the audience relatively has no effect on our product except more adults as well as teenagers could be influenced by our product which i generally believe is a positive outcome as more people are being educated, as it is apparent as time changes so do people so it can be educational for all.

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