Sunday 16 October 2011

Analyse a range of magazine film reviews in terms of visual codes

Variation in layout
  • There are many types of visual codes in film magazine reviews, first being the photographs used and the placement of the picture on the page; it is important because it can have a significant effect on the way an article is read and the readers. A common trend in many film magazine posters is the image used is taken from a scene from the film and comes before all the text to attract the audiences attention. the text usually lies under the main picture as now the audience's attention has been drawn to that review.  
  • Secondly the arrangement of columns is down to the aimed target audience as if it were for a younger target audience it would consist of more breakout paragraphs, by having more columns it generally means more text is present so this will attract a much older audience who like to read. Generally the main text is presented within single columns with extra information appearing in the breakout boxes.
  • Thirdly another type of visual code is having a sub-heading it visually breaks up longer articles to make it easier and more digestible for the reader.
  • Additionally the headline can be seen as a visual code as the way it is presented and portrayed can attract or discourage readers. The use of capitals can suggest urgency and importance unlike lower case letters suggests the opposite , the impression is it not vital to read.
  • Finally the font and typography generally gives a magazine character and identity a sense of diversity and uniqueness. This refers to the way the text is laid out; size,line length and spacing. These visual codes have such a impact to the article being read or not and by who, if these visual codes are altered in different ways it is to suit the target audience hence why visual codes are very important in a film magazine review.

The written codes are based in a magazine article and are communicated through language used. the mode of address is vital as the way it speaks to its audience could be in the simplest form this could be formal or casual. For younger magazines it could be very casual, older readers very formal it also may be humorous or serious depending on the targeted are.

the symbolic codes are based around the choice of images, fonts and colours. the connotations of what you see is key here there must be thought into selection, cropping, framing and point of view to every magazine film review.

  1.   An example of a magazine film review that i thought was done very well for a younger teenager target audience was the review for 'Avatar' 2009. 
This is a common film review as it has a massive picture taken from a scene in the film before the text to entice the audience, furthermore only two columns are present so the reader can digest the text easier and a breakout paragraph is present to highlight the importance of a quote and to make it more digestible for the reader.

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