Thursday 13 October 2011

Main film magazines in the UK

There are many film magazines in the United Kingdom that distribute there own opinion on the latest on screen films however there are three main film magazines that are well known, these are : 'Total film', 'Sight and sound', 'Empire'. Why have these three magazines known over most? as they have the largest distribution and are easily accessible to everyone through many devices either it being a smart phone, Ipad, Internet or actual magazines that can be bought from shops.
Another film magazine that is well known is the 'In house cinema magazine' found in most cinema's. The only aspect that these magazines share in common is they are full of information about the films, however their layout, style, content and mode of address can be widely differentiated.  

 Empire and Total film are relativaly similar in the sence of there bold titles colourful backgrounds and glossy finish both films look at big hollywood releases that will hit mainstream cinemas for release. The general layout of their articles is to have a  block heading  to catch the eyes of viewers, with a large picture taking up many of the columns. This large photo will tend to be a clip from the film showing the main stars in action, by doing this they get attention of the viewers and sway them into reading the article because by using a-list characters more readers will be obligated to read it. The content of Empire and Total Film articles generally aim to promote the film, not critise they speak in a formal tone to the reader.

In house magazines such as Cineworld and Cinema have a similar layout with a large picture, bold title and columns; however the mode of address is  informal. The reviews on films are biased as they are promoting the film so that people are attracted to the film as it comes directly from the cinema so it would promote the film for profit based reasons. The audience for this magazine is people that go to cinemas on a regular basis and watch all types of films whereas Total Film and Empire are aimed at people who have a broader interest in films, generally these articles aim to promote the film so do not reflect greatly on the downside of the film.

Sight and Sound magazine looks at cinema and film. Sight and Sound does not just review mainstream  films, they like to review independent films also. they look at these independent films with much more depth and structure to the others. Sight and Sound articles have a hectic layout with many columns and at times a picture. Formal text with a bit of humour. Their articles are well structured with an introduction on themes, synopsis, genre and director. Sight and sound educate readers on a whole about narrative and keeps a very structured review.

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