Saturday 15 October 2011

Conventions of magazine page layout

  1. Graphics: highlights a sub-heading makes the film review more appealing to attract the readers of these reviews.
  2. Section title: highlights the section topic
  3. Pictures: vital they correspond to the target audience, so a main picture in the beginning leads to a reader reading on to the text that follows the main picture.
  4. Headline: can be a word or phrase depending of the content in the headlines determines whether the reader is fond of it to read on.
  5. Introduction: the introduction gives a brief start to the article it sets up and introduces the film review.
  6. Breakout paragraphs: makes the reading more digestible because it breaks the paragraphs and chooses a main piece of text whether it to be a quote or a strong piece of text that the reader should be aware of it highlights and makes it apparent, this also takes up space.
  7. Captions: explain some things in the review
  8. Breakout boxes: extra information that could relate to the review topic just to take up more space
  9. Strap lines: for more insight to the article
  10. Call to action: pieces of information 
  11. Columns: break the text, more presentable
  12. By-line
  13. Font and Typography: Font, text size, wording are all very important
  14. Page number indicates which page your reading 

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