Friday 14 October 2011

Different audiences available for different film magazines

'Sight and Sound' restricted the different audience target for their film magazine as from the format and language used it is clearly for the upper class a higher end magazine.The target audience is aimed at a mature adult as star ratings are not present with the review being highly analytical but not categorising the film to be positive or negative. Finally 'Sight and Sound' is the most in-depth film magazine targeting a restricted target audience.

'Empire' like 'Sight and Sound' also restrict their broader audience as it is clearly for young adults and this is apperant by th use of pictures, chosen backgrounds, text, font and titles. Example is seen in the film magazine review for spiderman its chosen desires for the front page would only appeal to young adults, teenagers. 
Lastly in-house film magazines like 'Cineworld' and 'Odeon' are the leading magazine in having a broader audience a mass  audience , they achieve this by using informal language, also this makes it easier for young generations to understand and make sence of the text. Furthermore as these magazines are distributed in cinemas, they are accesable for everyone so the magizine must appeal to all genders, age, ethnicity they do this with a simple layout and more visual inputs. Global increase in audience was available as soon as this magizine was made to be taken for free this incourages more people to pick it up additionally the way these magazines can also be accessed online make a broader audience available. The reviews are always positive of the films advertised as this attracts the audience to see a film making the cinema more profit by screening watched films. 

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