Friday 23 September 2011

Potential Audiences for short films:

There are institutional implications of potential audiences for short films as they tend to consist of a lower budget; this means it affects how it is distributed. It is unlikely for a short film to be shown in the cinema. Films in the cinema have mainstream themes so that the public will go out and buy a ticket to watch the film of their interest whereas short films will usually be shown in places such as a film festival where the producer can target a completely different audience as they are promoting themselves and not trying to entertain the public. In addition, the actors used in mainstream full length films tend to be well known, glamorous and highly professional in order to bring in the audience as their purpose is to make money, whereas short films are not.

The development of the new media will greatly affect the distribution of a short film. The increasing use of the internet allows short films to be easily watched via; YouTube, Facebook and Twitter etc. This works as an advantage to small time directors that want to make themselves known as the internet is used by millions of diverse people which make them more accessible to anyone. Without the internet short films would traditionally have only been shown in film festivals, Film

competitions or on a late night public service channel; however films shown there are likely to only show people that are interested in short film making or the process, which can limit feedback and interest, whereas the internet allows anyone to watch it any time. Also, the films shown on late night are rarely watched as they come on at 3am for example which doesn’t really make the directors known.

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