Saturday 24 September 2011

Themes and Genre

Short films allow both small and big time directors to produce more unconventional films, with diverse themes and unpopular genre's. There are many themes that are possible; class and status is an issue in today's society which can be a good theme idea that talks about the gap between the two and how it affects the people of today. Looking into the idea of class and status, we could go into the wealth divide and touch on how this is affecting young people getting into university and instead choosing to opt out. Another theme could be British stereotypes, back in the day the British were stereotyped as being posh and then we can show the dramatic change in that perception.

Celebrity and Fame is a big topic in everyone's lives in Britain. Society has become obsessed with becoming famous through shows such as the x-factor. Last year the x-factor's average UK viewing figures were 14.13 million viewers for the final show which highlights the growing number of interest and a short film could demonstrate the negative side of this new found interest in fame and celebrity. Community and neighbourhoods are known for being closed off and everyone getting on with their everyday life, an idea for the film could be about how one neighbourhood are put into the position where they all need each other to survive, this ties in with the theme of hope and desperation.

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