Wednesday 14 September 2011

Example analysis of short films-'Ten minutes'

An example of a short film i analysed was called 'Ten minutes' made by Ahmed Imamovic. This short film was very incisive and capturing and was ranked number one in the european film festival.
It portrayed a linear narrative with some non-linear elements as it shows what happens in two different parts of the same country in 10 minutes. Also it shows a clear message to the audience as it segregates and distinguishes between the rich and the poor and the tendency that ' the people that are well off financially are not aware what is happening in other parts of the world' hence showing the harsh reality of life that so much is happening in 'ten minutes'. Furthermore the director shows a objective narrative because throughout it is not only focused on one particular character but showing two main protagonists with two different lives. Additionally a circular narrative is seen in the clip as it begins with the photo's being processed then cross cuts to the slums and a state thats still going through war to then cross cut back to the photo's being developed.
The film begins in colour as it represents the rich side (Rome) and as it cross cuts to the slums of Italy the footage becomes grainy and black and white clearly representing the emotions and moods of the characters.
The titles are used effectively in this film as the title is seen at the beginning and end credits as it finished. the score is played in the beginning and end and is italian music , the score was picked as it represents the culture of the film which i believe was genius because it gives an Italian theme to the film. Moreover dialogue is used throughout the motion and subtitles are used to translate the language broadening the audience as people from all over the world that can read and understand english could understand whats going on. This defies the conventional ideas of a short film as usually in a low budget motion there is hardly any dialect.
On the other hand although this was a European production the themes that embed the story can relate to British identity as it shows themes of : war, poverty, class segregation between the rich and poor, death, family and love.
In my production of a short film i could use some of the elements present especially some of the themes as it sends a clear message and is sort of a educational purpose like what id like to achieve out of my production , making the viewer weary of what actually goes on but people don't take notice.
Finally i believe the purpose of the short film is to send a message across that people are oblivious to the fact children, parents are dieing due to war and poverty and shows what is happening as time goes by; alongside sending a message Ahmed did enter it into a film festival and was ranked number 1 so he gave himself self promotion with a short film that has a message embedded.

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