Friday 16 September 2011

Example of a short film analysis-'Veronique'

'Veronique' by Patrik Bergh is another short film i analysed. As the other short films i analysed it is also a linear narrative which contain some non-linear parts it shows a progression on a school boy's week with a romantic 'teen crush' it is also a subjective narrative as the boy is the main focus.
The dialogue however is a different technique the use of a voice over rather than on set dialogue which for a low budget film is much more effective because the sound is clear and is the protagonist narrating the story with a few little twist to add the comedy to the motion. It shows the contrast between narrative and image which is very effective.
The titles are at the beginning the original background to blend it to the film alongside having end credits all conventions of a short film.
The themes that run throughout this short film portray teenage crushes and national stereotype of 'the glamour of france vs the reserved british' and finally the purpose for this movie was self promotion for the orange film 4 competition.

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