Thursday 15 September 2011

Example of a short film analysis-'Sign Language'

In class we also analysed a film called 'Sign Language' by Oscar Sharp this motion is a linear narrative as in continues in chronological order as it is a documentary of a guy at work on a daily basis. This short film differed from the others as it was in a documentary format and is a monologue throughout as it breaks the fourth wall and the protagonist talks to the camera. Furthermore it is a subjective narrative as the film focuses on the protagonist and his job and he is the main focus of the short film. This short film can also be seen as a 'mocumentry' and is clearly a circular narrative as he starts with a promotional job and moves to another promotional job.
Whats interesting about the techniques of this motion is the camera is hand held makes the motion seem more raw and realistic. Moreover the lighting is very realistic as it is filmed outdoors 'open set filming' unlike other short films.
Additionally titles were used effectively and compared to the others i preferred the use of them in this motion most as the titles ran throughout and during the end credits it shows us the protagonists life afterwards as a extended clip which i thought was intelligent.
Unlike other short films this expressed a whimsical theme it was light hearted more funny and less intense although it portrays a stereotype message about british identity that we as a nation have dull lives and are eccentric. this short film had a similar theme to '10 minutes' as it shows the theme that people don't notice what else is going on except in there own lives.
To conclude the purpose of this film was a 'mocumentry' but still portraying a message in a light hearted way also this was for fame and self promotion for Oscar.

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