Wednesday 21 December 2011

Poster Designs:

Poster Design 1:

 This film poster would have an image of the villains eyes 'starring' at the audience. The pupils will be red to show he is the evil character and the glasses is used to make him look older. The glasses will also be tinted blue in order to show a reflection of a computer screen in his glasses to indicate the narrative. The Facebook add icon will use the bold colours as background image to further illustrate the narrative: the dangers of social networking sites. The background colour of the poster will be black to draw focus on the evil red eyes. The title of the film will be in BOLD red letters in order to grab the audiences attention. Just below the title we will have the tagline so the audience can read the title then tagline and hopefully understand what the film is about and remember it. At the bottom of the poster will be the billing blocks in order to make it authentic along with the names of the actors at the top.  

Poster Design 2:
This poster design is similar in that it uses the same concepts of the eyes and the colour scheme however, instead of a Facebook add icon at the bottom of the poster it will be a young girl on her computer. The eyes are there to look as though he is looking over her which raises current issues in today's society such as internet safety and hopefully be interesting to the target audience. The title and the tagline will be right at the top of the poster so that the audience can identify the picture with the title immediately and therefore remember where they saw it. The poster at the moment looks quite plain however, with the black background it will make the girl and the eyes really stand out. 

Poster Design 3:

This poster will have a black background in order to draw direct attention on the villains eyes in the film. The Facebook add icon will be faint so it will not take the attention away from the eyes but  still be there.   The title will be in a mixture of capital and small case letters in order to make it stand out and look more interesting for young people. The tagline will be just below the eyes, splitting up the texts which young people may prefer as the writing will appear to be less when broken up. The actors staring in our film are unknown, it is therefore appropriate to leave the names of actors at the bottom as they are not famous names that would usually get highlighted in a poster.

After asking several people what poster they preferred, the majority of people said 'Poster Design 3', it was popular due to the idea of the texts being broken down, the subtle picture of the Facebook add and the colour scheme. The 'Poster Design 1' was not as popular as many people thought that the background image would be much suited in light colours rather than big bold ones as it would take the attention away from the eyes which was the main focus to entice the younger audience. The 'Poster Design 3' was very popular however it did not get as many votes because people thought the picture of the girl was too small making the poster look plain although they liked the idea of the eyes looking over her. 

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