This film poster tells us a lot about the film without using words. This film poster has fire in the background which denotes war; this tells us that a potential theme could be death. The fire gives the film seriousness and therefore we would rule it out as having a comedy or romance genre. The tropical setting highlights the contrast, it is usually a place people go on holiday or to relax in a quiet place whereas this setting has a lot going on in the background which shows the fire is not supposed to be there and it has been purposefully done. The figure of the man in the poster is positioned on his knees, this could be like he is praying for peace or giving up. Just from the film poster, a person can tell whether they will be interested in watching as audiences quickly process a lot of information just from the visual imagery.
This film poster is very simple and may not look like much but when you look into the imagery it tells us a lot. For example, the highlighted word of beauty in bold illustrates the American’s importance on the way you look. There's something innocent about the film poster however the rose gives it a more sinister look, the thorns and the colour red both give the idea that possible themes are danger and romance, which looks at the dark side of American life. The small writing underneath the title says '...look closer' which tells the audience there’s more to the innocence in the photo. The poster gives me the idea that this film could possibly touch on the horror/ thriller genre as there seems mysterious.
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