Thursday, 22 December 2011
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Poster Designs:
Poster Design 1:
Poster Design 2:
Poster Design 3:

This film poster would have an image of the villains eyes 'starring' at the audience. The pupils will be red to show he is the evil character and the glasses is used to make him look older. The glasses will also be tinted blue in order to show a reflection of a computer screen in his glasses to indicate the narrative. The Facebook add icon will use the bold colours as background image to further illustrate the narrative: the dangers of social networking sites. The background colour of the poster will be black to draw focus on the evil red eyes. The title of the film will be in BOLD red letters in order to grab the audiences attention. Just below the title we will have the tagline so the audience can read the title then tagline and hopefully understand what the film is about and remember it. At the bottom of the poster will be the billing blocks in order to make it authentic along with the names of the actors at the top.
Poster Design 2:
This poster design is similar in that it uses the same concepts of the eyes and the colour scheme however, instead of a Facebook add icon at the bottom of the poster it will be a young girl on her computer. The eyes are there to look as though he is looking over her which raises current issues in today's society such as internet safety and hopefully be interesting to the target audience. The title and the tagline will be right at the top of the poster so that the audience can identify the picture with the title immediately and therefore remember where they saw it. The poster at the moment looks quite plain however, with the black background it will make the girl and the eyes really stand out.
Poster Design 3:
This poster will have a black background in order to draw direct attention on the villains eyes in the film. The Facebook add icon will be faint so it will not take the attention away from the eyes but still be there. The title will be in a mixture of capital and small case letters in order to make it stand out and look more interesting for young people. The tagline will be just below the eyes, splitting up the texts which young people may prefer as the writing will appear to be less when broken up. The actors staring in our film are unknown, it is therefore appropriate to leave the names of actors at the bottom as they are not famous names that would usually get highlighted in a poster.
After asking several people what poster they preferred, the majority of people said 'Poster Design 3', it was popular due to the idea of the texts being broken down, the subtle picture of the Facebook add and the colour scheme. The 'Poster Design 1' was not as popular as many people thought that the background image would be much suited in light colours rather than big bold ones as it would take the attention away from the eyes which was the main focus to entice the younger audience. The 'Poster Design 3' was very popular however it did not get as many votes because people thought the picture of the girl was too small making the poster look plain although they liked the idea of the eyes looking over her.
Friday, 16 December 2011
Tag Lines:
'People aren't always who they seem.'
'How safe are you?'
The power of three is a very common technique for a tagline and is used to make it catchy and memorable to the audience. The three words ultimately sum up the whole film. 'The lie' is literally like the film when the predator deceives his online victims. The 'live?' questions whether or not the audience will fall for his tricks and sadly end up like one of his victims in the film. Lastly 'learn' is to indicate the educational purpose of the film and the audience will hopefully come away being fully aware of the danger online which delivers a lot of information about the film. The use of punctuation marks really emphasis on the words Live and Learn to highlight the message in the short film. However, the title of our film is 'Deception which does not complement it at all. Our poster however is focusing on the thriller aspect, this makes this tagline a little inappropriate for its target audience and therefore may not be a good idea to use.
After getting feedback from people, I found that 'People aren't always who they seem.' and 'Lie. Live? Learn!' were the most popular. The use of the power of three really made them interested however after telling them my poster was aimed at young people they tended to change their mind and go for 'People aren't always who they seem' as they thought it would appeal more to them with the use of language 'aren't' they thought would make the audience engage better with my poster. The tagline 'How safe are you?' was found to be very boring and didn't really get noticed. Audience feedback for my tagline was really useful in that I could find out what people preferred and what would help gain a wider audience along with constructive criticism about what I could change and what what was good.
This tagline is very sinister but interesting at the same time, it is simple and short which makes it easy to read for passers by which will stick in the audiences minds as they are walking past. The use of the word 'aren't' clearly shows the target audience is young which will help entice them into watching the film. In addition, the tagline complements the title of the film 'Deception' which makes it catchy and easier to remember. The tagline is not clever with words and therefore may not be that memorable for some however from audience feedback it is the one that everyone liked the most and we therefore decided to use this one.
'How safe are you?'
The question in the tagline is to get the audience engaged with our poster. The question 'How safe are you?' draws the audiences attention is wondering how 'safe' they really are and makes the wonder what is making them not safe therefore making them want to watch the film. This tagline is very effective in that it is directly speaking to its audience and it is to make the feel as though they need to watch it. In addition, this tagline fits into our thriller theme of the poster however it does sound a little too education though the use of the word 'safe'. The word safe personally reminds me crossing the road safe which completely misses out the true meaning of our short film although it does fit in well with the title 'Deception'.
'Lie. Live? Learn!'
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Film Poster (Planning)
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
Shooting Schedule:
10:10am - 10:40pm
Location: Vanessa's school
14-16 = Vanessa arranging to meet Barry and her friends leaving her
Casting crew needed:
Vanessa - Main character
Missa - Filming
Julie - Director
Girls from school - Extra's
Costumes and Props:
Red cardigan
Mobile phone
Vanessa dressed in school uniform
DV tape
Potential Issues:
Class changeovers - Break begins at 10:50 which is why we aim to finish filming 10 minutes before hand and lesson 2 starts at 10:00 which is also why we have allowed 10 minutes to allow student to get to the lessons without disrupting our filming.
Classroom - The free classroom we will be using may be needed by some students for study time.
Risk Assessment:
Low - We will be avoiding busy periods where students will be coming in and out of lesson however we do need to watch out for any late students or teachers walking by; we will also need to be aware that equipment such as tripods don't cause a trip hazzard.
10:00am - 11:00am
Location: Barry's Bedroom
1-6 = Barry on Facebook looking for a victim.
24-26 = Barry on Facebook again searching for new victim.
Casting crew needed:
Barry - Main character
Missa - Filming
Julie - Director
Costumes and Props:
Glasses for Barry
Barry dressed in scruffy clothes and he's hair's messy
Potential Issues:
Lighting - depending on the weather it might be too dark or too light
Space - the angles of the shots needed with the amount of people in the room
Risk assessment:
Low - we our filming in a controlled environment.
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Location: Park
17-23 = Vanessa waiting for Barry at the park, Barry watching Vanessa and Vanessa going missing.
Casting crew needed:
Barry - Main character
Vanessa - Main character
Julie - Filming
Missa - Director
Costume and Props:
Red cardigan for Vanessa
Glasses for Barry
Mobile Phone for Vanessa
DV tape
Potential Issues:
Lighting - depending on the weather it might be too dark or too light.
Weather - we are filming outside so changing weather may cause continuity issues.
The public - we are filming in an uncontrolled environment which may cause unwanted passers by walking through the shots.
Risk assessment:
Medium - We are filming in a park so we must watch out for thieves; we will also need to be aware that the equipment such as the tripod doesn't cause a hazard.
10:00am - 11:00am
Location: Vanessa's Bedroom
7-13 = Vanessa in her room accepting the friends request
Casting crew needed:
Vanessa - Main character
Missa - Filming
Julie - Director
Costumes and Props:
Red cardigan for Vanessa
Vanessa dressed in school uniform
DV tape
Potential Issues:
Lighting - depending on the weather it might be too dark or too light
Space - the angles of the shots needed with the amount of people in the room
Risk assessment:
Low - we our filming in a controlled environment.
Friday, 25 November 2011
Shooting Schedule for Practice Shots:
Practice shots throughout the day will be neccesary to avoid any problems that may occur during filming. We can prepare for the types of shots needed, so we are ready with props we may need or how we may need to adjust different angles to fit the space. In addition, practice shots will allow us to take a note of lighting to get the appropriate amount needed for each scene as we will see which times during the day work better for the camera.
10:00am - 12:00pm
Practice shots: (Barry's Bedroom)
Shot 1-6 = Barry on Facebook looking for a victim.
Casting crew needed:
Barry - Main character
Missa - Filming
Julie - Director
Costumes and Props:
Glasses for Barry
DV tape
1:40pm - 2:30pm
Filming in school locations is always really difficult as you can get several interuptions at any time such as the sound of bells going off or students walking past the shot. In order to avoid some of these problems we decided that we could film during our media lesson time and ask other students that weren't in lessons to take part as extra's to make it look a bit busy at lunch time for Vanessa's scenes at school.
Practice shots: (Vanessa's School)
Shot 14-16 = Vanessa texting at school and her friends leaving her.
Casting crew needed:
Vanessa - Main character
Julie - Filming
Missa - Director
School Girls - Extra's
Costume and Props:
Red cardigan for Vanessa
Mobile Phone
DV tape
12:00pm - 1:00pm
The park is also a difficult location to film in as the environment is an open set, practicing filming can help as you can find a quiet place in the park where the scene will be most appropriate as it is a big location however the members of the public walking by will always be unpredictable.
Practice shots: (Park)
Shot 17-23 = Vanessa waiting for Barry, Barry watching vanessa and Vanessa going missing.
Casting crew needed:
Barry - Main character
Vanessa - Main character
Julie and Missa - Filming and Directing
Costumes and Props:
Glasses for Barry
Red cardigan for Vanessa
DV tape
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
Characters Mise en scene
Main character - Julie Sernat also known as Vanessa Sparks is the main actor, she is the victim in the film. She suits the role perfectly as she is looks much younger than her actual age. She is petite and looks very innocent, she was perfect for the role because she makes it look aimed at our target audience however she is old enough to not cause any complaints or ethical issues. No make up should be worn as she is an innocent school girl to suit the Mise on scene furthermore she will be mostly in her school uniform as it is intended to educate young girls in schools so her costume will be a Gunnersbury catholic school uniform this also demonstrates we understood the Mise on scene as our character is very suited to play that role.
Our second main character is Anthony Price the social network predator, he is the villain in the film however he is a well respected man. Anthony was perfect for this role as he is much older and cause he didn't have to act like a older man or dress like one because this was natural to him so it looked very authentic and the Mise on scene was again on point. Anthony wears glasses to work however he wore them constantly in the film to add to his scary character and made him seem the age we wanted. Again the Mise on scene and target brief was met with this character.
Extra characters
Kiera keane plays the second victim and is also Vanessa's mate alongside Rachael they are only seen briefly and again in school uniform so suit the Mise on scene of the characters they are meant to play.
- As you can see Julie is to the left she fits perfectly to the mise on scene of our intended main character very innocent and looks the age of our target audience.
Our second main character is Anthony Price the social network predator, he is the villain in the film however he is a well respected man. Anthony was perfect for this role as he is much older and cause he didn't have to act like a older man or dress like one because this was natural to him so it looked very authentic and the Mise on scene was again on point. Anthony wears glasses to work however he wore them constantly in the film to add to his scary character and made him seem the age we wanted. Again the Mise on scene and target brief was met with this character.
- As seen to the left this is Anthony he is dressed very smart here however we dulled him down for the short film. Again he perfectly suits the role given.
- This is them on normal days and for our short film there Mise on scene can be seen below on how each character looked to suit the role :
- Anthony was wearing his work glasses to look more older, mysterious.
- This is a scene wear they are both seen in there full on costumes.
Extra characters
Kiera keane plays the second victim and is also Vanessa's mate alongside Rachael they are only seen briefly and again in school uniform so suit the Mise on scene of the characters they are meant to play.
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Location reccies
Park location number 1 : Latymer road children's park right beside the station, this is a great location as one its a children's park so for health and safety reasons it was suitable as accidents cant occur while filming for it was designed for kids of a young age. In terms of Mise on scene it suits our film as Vanessa (Julie) is a young school girl so it highlights her age and innocence. The park is quite small however is quite in the day so filming could not be interrupted. Furthermore it had a mysterious pathway leading to it which adds dramatic irony to the scene so this possibility looks.
Possible Park Location number 2 : Brunel estate park was another location we considered to put in our park scene as it is a very urban area, it creates a sense of fear and drama however as it is located on the main road and many cars and pedestrians walk by it might encounter problems while filming so for health and safety reason it was not the best location but the Mise on scene was great.
Possible park location 3: Boston mannor park this is situated in Boston mannor, as it is empty it was good however the there was no available children playground and a lake was present for the same reasons as Brunel estate it had a great Mise on scene however health and safety and practicality did not suit our filming environments as Barry and Vanessa both live near central London so it was out of both their ways.
Gunnersbury Catholic School- This is where the school scene will be shot, it is very practical as she is surrounded by her friends and gives the sense of a school environment which we need to show and reflect she is still a innocent school girl talking about ordinary things, there was no permission required to film on school grounds and the predator was not needed in this scene so it was convenient as it was a ordinary school day.
Gunnersbury Catholic School- the student Btec room was filmed for the second victim as in her free she could of been on Facebook and got the add so it was free suitable for our scene with no problems with filming as students were in lessons so it was suitable for the last scene.
Northfeilds area- would be used for the walk to and from school as this is her normal journey the filming didnt really get complicated and go out of our way.
Edgware road- where the victim lives and will be filmed in her room.
Latymer road- is were the predator lives. this will be filmed in his home next to the station.
Possible Park Location number 2 : Brunel estate park was another location we considered to put in our park scene as it is a very urban area, it creates a sense of fear and drama however as it is located on the main road and many cars and pedestrians walk by it might encounter problems while filming so for health and safety reason it was not the best location but the Mise on scene was great.
Possible park location 3: Boston mannor park this is situated in Boston mannor, as it is empty it was good however the there was no available children playground and a lake was present for the same reasons as Brunel estate it had a great Mise on scene however health and safety and practicality did not suit our filming environments as Barry and Vanessa both live near central London so it was out of both their ways.
Gunnersbury Catholic School- This is where the school scene will be shot, it is very practical as she is surrounded by her friends and gives the sense of a school environment which we need to show and reflect she is still a innocent school girl talking about ordinary things, there was no permission required to film on school grounds and the predator was not needed in this scene so it was convenient as it was a ordinary school day.
Gunnersbury Catholic School- the student Btec room was filmed for the second victim as in her free she could of been on Facebook and got the add so it was free suitable for our scene with no problems with filming as students were in lessons so it was suitable for the last scene.
Northfeilds area- would be used for the walk to and from school as this is her normal journey the filming didnt really get complicated and go out of our way.
Edgware road- where the victim lives and will be filmed in her room.
Latymer road- is were the predator lives. this will be filmed in his home next to the station.
Friday, 18 November 2011
List of Locations and Characters for our short film
- Locations-
- Latymer road park
- Brunel estate park
- Gunnersbury catholic school
- Northfeilds
- Boston Mannor park
- Edgware road
- Latymer road Station
- Ladbroke Grove
- Characters-
- Julie Sernat
- Anthony Price
- Kiera keane
- Rachael Oliybiyo
- Missail Aziz
- Zane Turner
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Julie Anne Sernat is a short young girl who attends college; she fits the part of Vanessa’s character as she looks young and innocent but is at the same time old enough to understand the plot. Her age is very important, if an actual young little girl was to play the part in the short film then it could raise ethical issues and potentially frighten the audience it is aimed at. Julie will wear school uniform during her scene with a bright pink jacket which used as a symbol to cover up her abduction. There will be no need to use any make up in order for her to look innocent and vulnerable.
Antony Price is a well-respected man who plays the part of Barry; an internet paedophile. Antony is an older man and therefore fits into the physical appearance of the predator. He is dressed in his normal attire which adds to the effect that he looks like a normal guy when in fact he targets vulnerable girls online in this film. He will also wear glasses in order to highlight his old age and make sure he looks as though he is fully concentrating on the computer screen.

Vanessa’s school friends:
Keira and Rachael play the part of Vanessa’s school friends. They too are the same age and are dressed in uniform. There characters do not play a very big role in the film however they are used to indicate the time Vanessa spends on the phone texting ‘Barry’.
Second Victim:
Keira plays a small part at the end of the film when Barry talks about his new internet victim. Keira is again a young girl dressed in uniform to indicate her age.
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Location (Reccies)
Possible Park location number 1:
Children’s Park next to Latimer Road Station – This scene is to highlight the young girl’s age and innocence as they are meeting in a children’s park. It is within 10 minutes from both the actors our short film. It is very local for everyone and although it is quite small it is luckily quiet enough to film in during the day. The path leading towards the park is filled with trees and grass which adds to the scene.
Possible Park location number 2:
Children’s park in Edgware Road – This Park was very local which would save on travelling time however it appears to be too childish as the climbing frame is miniature. Also during the day it is very noisy and busy as it is next to the main road and in the middle of estates which would make it difficult to film in without any interruptions.

School environment:
Gunnersbury Catholic School – This scene is to indicate that Vanessa is a young school girl who has fallen for someone much older than herself. For the school scene I decided to use the school I attend as it was very convenient, I didn't need to have permission to film on school grounds, I could use my class time to film in and I could get all the help I needed when filming. In addition, the older character in my play would not be needed in this scene which made it even easier.
Victims home:
Edgware Road – We used the actual victims home to film her scene on the laptop as it was very convenient, the mise-en-scene of Julie’s room fitted perfectly in with the scene as it clearly illustrates a females bedroom through the pink paint and desk with school books around.
Perpetrators home:
Latimer Road – Similarly, we used the perpetrators home as again it was very convenient, the mise-en-scene of a grown man’s house would be met and the computer area was perfect as it was in the corner under the stairs which helped make the film look realistic.
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
Final draft of the script
Introduction- Barry is sitting in his room on his laptop browsing through Facebook to find a victim to pursue. the room is messy and dull lighting is used as he is unemployed and spends most of his time on the internet.
Barry voice over: 'Finding girls is always so easy. There just so flattered by my attention. I like them young innocent and helpless.'
A close up of Barry's old eyes to show the evil intentions. He finds Vanessa on Facebook and adds her as a friend.
Barry voice over: 'These social networking sites just make it so easy for people like me.'
Introduction- Vanessa is on the computer in her bedroom when she gets a request that she will accept.
Barry voice over: 'They only know a bit about me but they do not hesitate to accept, the boy i pretend to be gets me so many new victims.'
Vanessa looks through his pictures slightly impressed by what she sees. Not even thinking of the dangers.
Barry voice over: 'The process of fooling these little girls only takes me a few months.
Day- Vanessa is on her way to school with a friend. Normal school day then it proceeds to lunch time where she is sitting on a bench on her phone texting Barry.
Her friend Rachael and kiera come sit next to her.
Rachael : ' Hey Vanessa did you hear what happened on Saturday ? oh gosh your always on your phone, ok then bye.'
Afternoon- Vanessa goes to the park to meet Barry
Barry voice over: ' I love watching them sit there waiting for me
Barry approaches closer and close cut Vanessa goes missing.
Night: Barry back at home on his computer looking for new victims
Barry voice over: ' My first victim was so naive and gullible i hope my next one is just the same.'
Police statement in the background
The end
Barry voice over: 'Finding girls is always so easy. There just so flattered by my attention. I like them young innocent and helpless.'
A close up of Barry's old eyes to show the evil intentions. He finds Vanessa on Facebook and adds her as a friend.
Barry voice over: 'These social networking sites just make it so easy for people like me.'
Introduction- Vanessa is on the computer in her bedroom when she gets a request that she will accept.
Barry voice over: 'They only know a bit about me but they do not hesitate to accept, the boy i pretend to be gets me so many new victims.'
Vanessa looks through his pictures slightly impressed by what she sees. Not even thinking of the dangers.
Barry voice over: 'The process of fooling these little girls only takes me a few months.
Day- Vanessa is on her way to school with a friend. Normal school day then it proceeds to lunch time where she is sitting on a bench on her phone texting Barry.
Her friend Rachael and kiera come sit next to her.
Rachael : ' Hey Vanessa did you hear what happened on Saturday ? oh gosh your always on your phone, ok then bye.'
Afternoon- Vanessa goes to the park to meet Barry
Barry voice over: ' I love watching them sit there waiting for me
Barry approaches closer and close cut Vanessa goes missing.
Night: Barry back at home on his computer looking for new victims
Barry voice over: ' My first victim was so naive and gullible i hope my next one is just the same.'
Police statement in the background
The end
Saturday, 5 November 2011
1st draft of script
Barry is browsing Facebook looking through young girls profiles for his next victim. Whilst drinking a cup of coffee and eating breakfast. The bedroom is messy, he is unemployed and living off his mum. Everything looks dull to show he doesn't do much with his life.
Finding them is always so easy. There's so many to choose from.
Tall. Short. Fat. Slim. They're just so flattered by my attention.
Vanessa talking to her friends over Facebook chat whilst doing homework and listening to music. The sound of the Facebook add comes up. She looks through the pictures of a teenage boy. She appears to look quite interested and decides to accept.
They always seem to accept though. These social networking
sites make it so easy for people like me (mocking society).
The process usually only takes me a few months (cocky tone).
Vanessa's busy texting her new found friend, smiling to herself as they text.
Your always on the phone!
His asked me to meet him. Smiling to herself.
Vanessa's friends ignore her. They look sick and tired of having to hear about 'Thomas'
Vanessa's sitting on a bench in the park waiting, a shadow is filmed lurking around in the background. It cuts to a figure of a big, tall girl watching her.
I love watching them wait.
Barry watches Vanessa from an alley across the road and slowly starts to walk over to vanessa. There is a lot of tension. Scene then cuts to Vanessa's cardigan on the floor by the bench.
Barry is back on Facebook, drinking his coffee and having his toast.
I always get away with it. It's so simple.
Voice from radio in the background:
Police are still concerned for the whereabouce of the 14 year
old girl Vanessa Sparks who dissapeared after meeting a person
she befriended online via a social networking site.
Barry turns off the radio and signs into Facebook continuing to look at young girls profiles.
*Slogan - "Be careful. People aren't always what they seem"
Friday, 4 November 2011
Final Synopsis
Title: 'Deception'
Barry is a 40 year old male that has created a fake alternative life that he chooses to pursue. A fake Facebook of a younger more attractive male is what he has created to lure young girls as he is a pedophile. He comes across a Facebook who belongs to a girl called Vanessa. Vanessa being young and innocent teenage 14 year old girl accepts this add. They both Facebook each other during the on coming week, they finally exchange numbers and decide to meet. She never knew it was a deception and embarked on a mission to meet him in a local park. He notices its the girl he seen on Facebook and kidnaps and rapes her. Then he starts the cycle again with another victim.
This was perfect because we could utilize the key conventions of short films Incorporated into our production as we have a circular narrative it sticks to the educational purpose we are trying to achieve and is suited for our target audience.
Barry is a 40 year old male that has created a fake alternative life that he chooses to pursue. A fake Facebook of a younger more attractive male is what he has created to lure young girls as he is a pedophile. He comes across a Facebook who belongs to a girl called Vanessa. Vanessa being young and innocent teenage 14 year old girl accepts this add. They both Facebook each other during the on coming week, they finally exchange numbers and decide to meet. She never knew it was a deception and embarked on a mission to meet him in a local park. He notices its the girl he seen on Facebook and kidnaps and rapes her. Then he starts the cycle again with another victim.
This was perfect because we could utilize the key conventions of short films Incorporated into our production as we have a circular narrative it sticks to the educational purpose we are trying to achieve and is suited for our target audience.
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Short film planning Synopsis 3
Title: 'Deception'- I chose this title because it is about a online pedophile that chooses to be a younger male someone that is not him to lure young girls into his evil trap however with a plot twist a couple of boys are onto this and want to find these men so make a fake girl account so it is deceiving in both senses.
A online pedophile called Barry is again on a hunt on Facebook for new victims, he comes across a 'girl' called Vanessa. He adds her as a friend and talks to her trying to befriend her however this is not a girl but instead two teenage males. After exchanging numbers and talking for a while the boys Chris and Jamie decide to send a text to meet up and Barry accepts. When the meeting is arranged to Barry's shock he has been caught out as the meeting place in a park are also were the boys are, the boys ring the number and see Barry pick up and knew he made a fake account to lure young victims in and Barry now faces prison.
During the thinking process of this synopsis we knew it would not work because of many reasons. There was already a film like this called Catfish and it doesn't tackle the controversial issue head on as the boys are not in danger and get away with it. however this could be changed around to produce a synopsis that is ideal for our short film and target audience.
A online pedophile called Barry is again on a hunt on Facebook for new victims, he comes across a 'girl' called Vanessa. He adds her as a friend and talks to her trying to befriend her however this is not a girl but instead two teenage males. After exchanging numbers and talking for a while the boys Chris and Jamie decide to send a text to meet up and Barry accepts. When the meeting is arranged to Barry's shock he has been caught out as the meeting place in a park are also were the boys are, the boys ring the number and see Barry pick up and knew he made a fake account to lure young victims in and Barry now faces prison.
During the thinking process of this synopsis we knew it would not work because of many reasons. There was already a film like this called Catfish and it doesn't tackle the controversial issue head on as the boys are not in danger and get away with it. however this could be changed around to produce a synopsis that is ideal for our short film and target audience.
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
Short film planning Synopsis 2
Title: 'You me and the baby' I chose this title because it is about a teenage girl who had a wild night and slept with a boy the same age as her without their knowledge of contraception as of there age she falls pregnant and the boy being so young and scared runs away she is left alone.
Katie Spencer is a average 15 year old school girl, one day her and her friends were discussing sex and if it has or Hasn't happened yet. Katie being a virgin and under peer pressure as all her mates have decides to get drunk that night. There has been a boy she liked in her school for a while called Billy Trooper, she decides to text him asking if they wanted to have sex, Billy being a typical boy decides to do the deed however things do not go accordingly as weeks progress she has the fear she might be pregnant however later to her knowledge it becomes reality. She tells Billy however he cant hack the news and decides to leave and run away she is left alone to deal with a mistake which basically changes her whole life plans.
Katie Spencer is a average 15 year old school girl, one day her and her friends were discussing sex and if it has or Hasn't happened yet. Katie being a virgin and under peer pressure as all her mates have decides to get drunk that night. There has been a boy she liked in her school for a while called Billy Trooper, she decides to text him asking if they wanted to have sex, Billy being a typical boy decides to do the deed however things do not go accordingly as weeks progress she has the fear she might be pregnant however later to her knowledge it becomes reality. She tells Billy however he cant hack the news and decides to leave and run away she is left alone to deal with a mistake which basically changes her whole life plans.
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Short film planning Synopsis 1
Title: 'Colours' i have chosen the title 'Colours' because the first short film we are making is about the different races in the British society today and how there is still racism about and the outcomes of this.
Babatunday Tudu is a British African boy who lives in Essex a white populated area, he starts secondary school however has the worst first day ever. He receives racial abuse from his class mates constantly, although the teacher tries to stop this abuse there is only so much they can do. After his first week in the school Babatunday is frightened and scared and seeks advice in a pupil that to his knowledge he trusts. This pupil is also a racist but does not physically show it by bullying 'Babs' he instead tells him that he should not stand for it and fight Derick Turner the leading bully. Derick is white and loves his nation as his heritage is fully White English. He has many older brothers who are also racists and believe it should only be a white country. The next day the bullying continues however 'Babs' just follows what he was told to do beats up Derick. That same day Derick's brothers chase 'Babs' after school with obvious intentions of killing him however he does get away. 'Babs' runs home and kills himself as the fear that his colour would get him killed anyway and wanted to end a life before it had begun. Clear educational message that none deserves to get that torment because of their race.
Babatunday Tudu is a British African boy who lives in Essex a white populated area, he starts secondary school however has the worst first day ever. He receives racial abuse from his class mates constantly, although the teacher tries to stop this abuse there is only so much they can do. After his first week in the school Babatunday is frightened and scared and seeks advice in a pupil that to his knowledge he trusts. This pupil is also a racist but does not physically show it by bullying 'Babs' he instead tells him that he should not stand for it and fight Derick Turner the leading bully. Derick is white and loves his nation as his heritage is fully White English. He has many older brothers who are also racists and believe it should only be a white country. The next day the bullying continues however 'Babs' just follows what he was told to do beats up Derick. That same day Derick's brothers chase 'Babs' after school with obvious intentions of killing him however he does get away. 'Babs' runs home and kills himself as the fear that his colour would get him killed anyway and wanted to end a life before it had begun. Clear educational message that none deserves to get that torment because of their race.
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